The Vision I Have For Myself
After spending with “The Iron Crew” (my support system) these past few months. I have taken the time to reflect on myself a lot more, my goals, and ambitions. When I met with my cousoler this past weekend she told me I was unbalanced and broke down the three areas of my life I need to give my attention to in order to find my center. My physical health, mental health and spiritual health. I decided to make a vision board (I know we are in February but just vibe with me). Anyways, I wrote down the things I desire the most within my heart and where I want to be by the end of the year. It was harder than I thought it would be but now I have a blueprint on what my life should look like. Here is my vision board. It is my prayer that I am able to accomplish all of these. I will make sure to put the work in, because after all, “faith with out works is DEAD”. - James 2:14
Return back to dancing (more specifically Ariel Arts)
Return back to school to finish my poly sci degree (notice the back ground in the photo is my ultimate goal long term)
Buy new furniture 🙄 (I’m tired of hearing my friends mouths and honestly it’s time my bed room furniture is over two decades old 🥴)
Get a promotion
Relocate to another state or a major city
Love myself more and be truly as happy as I appear to be in this photo.
P.s. the scripture attached in the vision board is actually the scripture that came to me last night as I wrestled with myself to even make a vision board. Proverbs 29:18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish”
Thank you for taking the time out to read my dissertation 🥴😂🤗 love y’all!
